
Read what people are saying about Elena:

Lara, Richmond

I am for most of my life and in particular since 2010 under extreme mental stress which caused a chronic state of depletion in all my systems, burned out, weak, constantly falling prey to never ending infections, poor absorption of nutrients, poor digestion, stomach and intestines in cramps, skin outbreaks, hair loss, and weakened lungs and burned out adrenal glands. I was depressed and anxious. Hesitantly, I had tried a few sessions and must admit that there were no miraculous changes first; to the contrary, I went through a healing crisis. I am happy that I stuck with it I am still under a lot of stress but have made great improvements towards recovery, and  re-balancing naturally through supporting my regenerative powers. This was achieved through Elena’s patience, excellent knowledge in human science and body functions, use of quantum bio feedback, and nutritional counselling. Although I still have to take my recovery seriously for some time, considering the many years of abusive depletion of all my reserves, now I have  more energy, am still working at 73, my hair stopped falling out, and my skin and eyes have healed. The cramps are gone and my digestive system is functioning much better. I have not had a flu all year and only a few minor viral infections considering that I am on a daily basis with sick senior people and children (no vaccinations). This alone is a 80% improvement. It was and is worth every dollar because I want to live and age well.

W.C, Vancouver

In spring 2011, while sharing about my daughter’s “schizo-affective condition” a co-worker told me about a relative who is using quantum biofeedback successfully for a manic-depressive condition.  I wanted to find out if this “quantum thing” would also be beneficial for my daughter. It never came to this because this child was too paranoid and too anxious to try anything different than the doctors prescribed medication. She never saw Elena. She died unexpectedly from a very rapid and aggressive melanoma cancer. During these trying months (my mother had died about six months prior in Europe) I became totally stressed out, unable to sleep, body tight in one painful knot, digestion  and absorption very compromised, weak, anxious, depressed, skin outbreaks, gums infected and constantly fighting viral infections . These are just a few of my stress and grief caused symptoms. Elena patiently explained, gently lead me through this dark valley while educating me and answering my endless questions. I have studied sciences before and hence have a very critical mindset.

Now, many months later, I can see that I was on my way to welcome death. I am in contact with many people and am aware how similar situations are treated in the mainstream medical system and the very likely outcome. There is no doubt in my mind that I owe my life back to Elena’s knowledge, dedication to lasting and balanced health while using quantum biofeedback, patience, nutritional and herbal counselling. Elena combines solid science based knowledge coupled with excellent counselling skills. It is worth every dollar if health and life is your goal.

Carla, Vancouver 

I have been going to biofeedback since 2007. I have been seeing Elena since 2009. Elena is the best Biofeedback Practitioner I have been to. She takes the time to listen to your problems, concerns and wants, and then delivers. Her home and workspace are very warm, inviting and comfortable. Elena herself is friendly, caring, respectful, tactful, kind, smart and a great person to deliver this technology. I highly recommend Elena as a biofeedback practitioner to anyone I know, as well as Biofeedback itself. Elena and her treatments are especially worth the cost as she really focuses on, and gives her clients results.

Pat, Vancouver

Dear Elena, A note to thank you very much for the session you gave me. It was a generous and selfless gift. You know, the next day I had several people tell me that I looked “great” and I had no pain in my neck. Yesterday I went to the dentist as you suggested seeing my problems, and talked about changing the amalgams, and now I found out that I need to have dental surgery! My goodness, I‘ve learned a lot from you in this session and as soon as I can manage it, I will be booking again. Thanks again.


Marina, Vancouver

Я не видела Лену где-то полгода,а когда встретила, то обалдела от того как она выглядит. Я спросила ее:”Ты что молодильные яблоки кушаешь? ” Она рассмеялась и пригласила меня на сеанс. Это было 4,5 года назад.

Поначалу я скептически отнеслась к Лениным изысканиям. Но меня заинтересовали мои ощущения во время сеанса. В организме происходили странные явления: руки, ноги то наливались, то я  вообще не ощущала тела, внутри что-то  то сжималось, то отпускало, а перед закрытыми глазами возникали разные цвета и картинки. Все это я обсуждала  с Леной. Она  мне объяснила, что так  мой организм освобождается от стресса.

К сожалению, мы живем в мире, где происходят не всегда хорошие ситуации и это очень бьет по нашему организму. Стресс, который мы имеем, вытягивает из нас все самое хорошее, тем самым приводит нас к различным заболеваниям. И народ кидается к врачам, которые прописывают различные лекарства, но они не устраняют заболевание, а лишь на время притупляют симптомы.

После каждого сеанса Лена говорит мне что происходит в моем организме и на что надо уделить внимание, т.е принять минералы, витамины или другие вещества которых не хватает в моем теле. Заметьте не лекарства, а натуральные продукты.

Два с половиной года назад я упала на работе. Это было сильнейшее сотрясение позвоночника и ушибы. И тогда помимо сеанса я ощутила на себе действие лазера. Без него мои ушибы выздоравливали бы дольше. И восстановилась я довольно быстро.

Иногда после сеанса  я чувствую себя устало. Это потому что в организме было много всякой дряни и произошел детокс. Но чаще я чувствую себя обновленной с приливом сил. Индиго заставляет меня стимулировать мои внутренние ресурсы.

Благодаря сеансам у меня изменилось мировоззрение. Я хочу жить долго и при этом иметь хорошее здоровье и все это возможно  при регулярном  пользовании Индиго.

English translation

I haven’t seen Lena for about 6 months and, when we  met, I was amazed by  the way she looks. I asked her: “Do you eat beauty apples?” She laughed and invited me for a session. It’s been 4.5 years ago.

At first I was very skeptical. But I got interested in my sensations during the treatment. Strange phenomena have occurred in my body: arms, legs were heavy, I felt inside me something shrinks, then loosened, and I saw different colors and images with closed eyes. All this I had discussed with Lena. She explained to me, that it is the way my body is relieved of stress.

Unfortunately, we live in a world where there is not always a good situations and it really affects our body. Stress, which we have, pulls off us all the good, thus leads to various diseases. And people are running to the doctors who prescribe various medications, but they do not eliminate the disease, but only masking the symptoms.

After each session, Lena tells me what’s going on in my body and what to pay attention to, i.e. take minerals, vitamins or other substances which are missing in my body. Note: there are no drugs but only natural products.

Two and a half years ago I fell down on the job. It was the strongest trauma of the spine and other injuries. And then in addition to the regular sessions I experienced the effect of the laser. Without it my bruises would recover much longer. And I recovered pretty quickly.

Sometimes after the session I feel tired. This is because the body works on getting out rubbish and going through detox. But more often I feel rejuvenated with the lot of energy. Indigo makes me boost my internal resources.

Thanks to the sessions I have changed my attitudes towards life. I want to live long and still have good health and it is all possible with regular use of Indigo.

Ludmila, Richmond

Я верю в то что энергетическая медицина является медициной будущего.

Когда  я первый раз пришла  к Лене, то она дала мне полную информацию о моих  очень серьезных проблемах со здоровьем.  Врачи смогли подтвердить эту информацию только через месяц.  И мы  стали работать по улучшению моего состояния.  Прошло 2 года и я себя чувствую намного лучше и физически  и эмоционально. Результаты работы чувствую каждый раз после сеанса. 

Самое главное, что благодаря биорезонансной терапии я выяснила настоящую причину своей болезни. Прежде никто не мог ответить мне на этот вопрос. У меня улучшились все показатели:  энергия, метаболизм, прошли боли в печени, почти ушли головокружения.

Лена замечательный специалист. Она помогает  мне  справиться со всеми  своими проблемами лучше чем кто-либо другой,   а также может ответить на любой вопрос относящийся к моему здоровью.

С уважением и благодарностью,


English translation

I believe that energy medicine is the medicine of the future. 

When I first came to Lena, she described me the in full details all my very serious health problems.  Doctors were able to confirm that information only in a month.  And we started to work to improve my condition.  2 years have passed and I feel much better physically and emotionally now.

I feel results and improvements after each session.   The most important thing is that thanks to biofeedback I discovered the real cause of my illness. Before no one was able to answer this question. Now I have improvements in all problematic areas: energy, metabolism, liver, pain, my vertigo is almost gone.

Lena is a wonderful person. She helps me to deal with all of my problems better than anyone else, and can answer any question related to my health.

With respect and gratitude,

Lanna, Calgary

I met Elena 18 years ago when I needed support and direction in my life like never before. She was my Astrology teacher and guide, explaining and teaching me about metaphysics, cosmic laws and how it affects us humans. I appreciate Elena’s wisdom and patience, her willingness to help me through rough times. She is confident and knowledgeable at everything she does. Elena’s commitment to helping her clients to improve and change their life is paramount. She is always there to help.

Currently I am benefiting from Elena’s guidance with proper supplements and nutrition during my health crisis. I also followed Elena’s recommendation to get Scalar Laser for my aches and pains to use regularly. She also was very kind to take time to explain how to use it so I would feel improvement. When I lived in Vancouver I had a chance to be her patient and see how much Elena contribute to helping me getting better.

I am happy to know Elena for many years and seen how much of her time and knowledge she is giving to people in need. To people who tried conventional medicine and did not get improvement I would recommend seeing Elena. I am confident that Elena’s education, knowledge, loving heart, patience and her desire to help people will bring results that you are looking for. It takes time and patience to follow Elena’s recommendations but I feel better and I see improvement. I stopped buying damaging prescriptions and instead follow Elena’s recommendation for proper nutrition, supplements, exercise and lowering stress level in my life. I trust Elena’s knowledge and experience. I am confident in her ability to help.

Sasha, Coquitlam

In the fall on 2012 I was dealing with a lot of stress and emotional unrest.  After the very first session I saw a difference, it was truly unbelievable! Within a few weeks I was almost back to normal, but I wanted to feel even better and continued to see Elena twice a week for approximately 6 months and then once a week for another 6 months.  The result was not only the complete elimination of stress and anxiety, but as a result of the sessions my severe allergies to eggs, cats  and shellfish  completely disappeared! 

Another great benefit of Biofeedback is not only in person sessions, but distance work as well.  I have always had high anxiety when writing professional examinations (I am in the CGA program), and with Elena’s help through distance work, I was able to successfully write and pass a very hard exam. 

Sandy, Burnaby

Its my pleasure to state that Elena Fitenko has been one of the main reasons for my recovery. She has helped me mentally and spiritually and is always available to talk . I consider her a very powerful healer as well as a friend . I have known her  for for 4 years and continue to turn to her when I have an issue come up because I know I will have results. She is very intuitive, shares knowledge as well as gives me direction as to where I can make changes to better my life. I consider her kind of like a therapist combined with a healer so in a sense Im saving money. Not to mention seeing her more affordable then seeing other practitioners . I always look forward to seeing her and instantly feel at ease being in her presence . Anyways thanks Elena for everything!!

Elena also has healed my dog!!! I had been gone for several months and when I returned home he was not the same . I had actually thought someone may have hit him . He wasn’t eating ( which is his fav thing to do ) and was staying in his kenal . I took him to Elena and within hours he bounced back playing and being happy!! Thanks Elena:)


Barbara, North Vancouver

I first met Elena for the first time just in the last year, even though I have been using Quantum Biofeedback for a very long time. Biofeedback in general has been such a gift for me. Biofeedback became available at exactly the right time in my life. It has been an absolute live saver!

I cannot recommend Elena highly enough. She is the best! As I continue through a very long and rough road of healing  after dealing with a very complicated situation of grief (multiple family and friend’s deaths) as well as chiropractic problems, Elena has been there to help and continues to be.

Elena is very qualified and  knowledgeable, patient beyond words, helpful, and sincere. We have worked by distance as well as in person. The results are always positive and help immensely.

Ksenia, Vancouver

Elena is a very kind and thoughtful person. She has a profound knowledge in natural medicine and Quantum Biofeedback. The sessions with her and well chosen supplements helped me to significantly remove stress, increase energy and reduce the back issues. I would highly recommend Elena for those who suffer with any kind of pain, stress, depression, low energy level or insomnia.


Alla, Coquitlam

Каждый раз после сеанса у Елены у меня ощущение легкости и хорошее настроение. Я очень доверяю ее диагностике и потому я чувствую себя уверенно. Каждый раз, когда у меня возникают какие-то сомнения с моим здоровьем, я сразу обращаюсь к Елене. Я очень довольна, что есть такой человек, который может сказать , что у меня не в порядке. Я с уверенностью смотрю в свое будущее.
English translation
Every time after the session with Elena I have a feeling of lightness and good mood. I really trust her diagnosis and therefore I feel  confident. Every time I have any doubts about my health, I immediately turn to Elena. I am very pleased that there is  such a person who can immediately say what is wrong with me. I look with confidence  into my future.


Elena, Coquitlam

With Doctor Elena, I met recently and I surprise, that she works with another methods than traditional medicine, where commercial interest often prevail.

She is a very knowledgeable, attentive woman with long years of experience in medicine and pharmacology.  She stated from beginning, that our task regenerates natural strengths of the body to fight with the problems.

Each year I have wild coughing and lung infection. She uses biofeedback device, which analyze all the organs with computer program, giving clear images about problems in the body.

In my case she worked to improve my immune system, which was weakening with years.  Other results show, that I have deficiency of Zn.  No one doctor ever find the reason so far. After visiting Elena I felt big improvement.

I recommend to everybody to visit Dr Elena, because contribution to heath always priceless.


Dina, Richmond
I know Elena is a remarkable doctor.  My son Maksim (15 years old) had very serious problems with digestive system: constant pain, constipation  and fatigue.
For a half a year he was under family doctor supervision with a lot of tests and medications , but  nothing  helped him to get better.  Doctor Elena made thorough, meticulous medical investigation  based on  her  extensive experience using Quantum Biofeedback device and suggested the wright appoach to solve the problem. After couple of months problem disappeared and the child returned to school and successfully finished the school year.
Now ( after the year) his physical state  is stable and he ls looking forward to his future.
Thank you Doctor Elena you saved my child.