
Что-такое-безусловная-любовьAll services and programs at Alchemia   are designed to  help you to reach the optimal level of wellness. Application of the best achievements in energy medicine, nutritional science and advanced stress reduction techniques are used to guide you through the transformational process of rebuilding your life.

Variety of  programs and services are focused on repairing the damage done by poor eating habits, toxic overload and enormous stress of the modern living.

Main services consist of wellness consulting,  quantum biofeedback sessions,   Eternale beauty sessions using EDUCTOR  biofeedback device, Scalarwave laser sessions, Biomat   and focused on stress reduction, pain reduction, nutritional balance, detox, repair and rebuild of existing damages and imbalances.

The  evidence based approach is showing that stress management, nutritional deficiencies correction  and toxic residue removal from our body will restore the body’s vital energy and support its self-healing ability.

Advanced wellness counseling is an important part of  every session. Its main goal is to educate you  about major stressors contributing to illness,  as well as to increase awareness about the lifestyle changes needed to correct bodies imbalances while providing the valuable information on the latest developments in wellness industry and energy medicine.

At Alchemia all services are delivered with the highest degree of respect, integrity, confidentiality and care. You will  always receive undivided  attention to your unique needs and problems, and provided with the most effective solutions and support suited to your short and long term health goals and budgets.

What to expect:Purple_and_Blue_Transparent_Butterfly_Clipart

  • Transformational life changes
  • Enhanced quality of life
  • Elevated level of energy
  • Improved mental clarity, memory and emotional stability
  • Renewed interest to life and positive outlook
  • Shinier, healthier, younger appearance
  • Reestablished foundation for balanced health
  • Peace of mind and true happiness
  • Real, enduring and lasting wellness
  • Freedom from stress and dis-ease
  • Longer and more enjoyable life

Who can benefit from these services?

Alchemia services  could benefit everyone at any age, including pets.

However, I also noticed that mature women are the most open and receptive group among my clients. So I designed and structured my practice to offer the best possible service to these women in order to satisfy their increased interest in alternative medicine and wellness care.

Nowdays women are extremely stressed by modern living with high family, social, and work demands when trying to fulfill society and their own expectations.  Most of them already familiar with   main symptoms of stress (extreme fatigue, depression, insomnia, inability to focus, hormonal disbalances, irritability, indigestions, pain, etc.) and tried at least some treatments  offered by conventional medicine ( drugs,  surgery, radiation)  often without any significant improvement.

Meanwhile a growing trend among health conscious women is to look for more natural, safe and less invasive approach to address their health and wellness concerns.  Desire to look and feel good at any age, have enough energy for active and independent lifestyle especially during their golden years focus women’s interests on preventative approach in  health management.

Many of biofeedback programs , and especially the Eternale beauty program, are created with a middle age active and busy women in mind. It is also an economical, pleasant and effective solution to look flawless and significantly reduce stress at the same time.

Distant healing sessions are also available.

Assessment Session

Wellness assessment is highly recommended for  everyone, especially for clients with long term health goals.  Every program starts and ends with an assessment to determine the starting health level and to monitor the progress. It provides the client and practitioner with extensive information in order to choose the best approach to correct the your complains and concerns.
Duration 3+ hours, includes wellness consulting and detailed report – $250

Wellness Consultation

 Wellness consulting is focused on addressing current  and long lasting  concerns and discussing the session results. According to your wellness report produced at the end of the each session, recommendations will be made explaining how to deal with  major imbalances and stressors affecting your body. Wellness consulting could be  done with or without biofeedback sessions.
Duration  30 min – $30

Quantum Biofeedback Session

Quantum biofeedback session includes at least a 15 min of consulting time before and after the session.  An additional consulting time will be available for extra charge. During the consultation, we will discuss the best changes or adjustment to the your lifestyle, including supplements, nutrition, physical activities, stress reduction techniques, etc.
Duration: 1h 30 min – $160

Eternale Beauty Session

The Eternale beauty session is based on specially designed rejuvenation program using  EDUCTOR biofeedback device. Its main focus is on improving physical appearance through reducing specific stressor related to beauty and aging.
Duration:  1hr – $100

Scalar Laser Session

Scalar laser sessions is offered separately or as an addition to any of mentioned above services. When offered on its own it is accompanied with wellness consulting for 15 min before and after the session.
Duration: 1h 30 min – $100

Ionic Foot Bath

Ionic Foot bath session could be taken on its own or as an a valuable addition to any of other services. Will greatly enhance body abilities to detox heavy metals and other toxins.
Duration – 30-40 min – $50


Free gift with every package. Gift choice depends on the products availability and client’s preferences.

Quantum biofeedback Eternale Beauty Scalar Laser Ionic Foot Bath
5 sessions – $700
($100 savings)
5 sessions – $450
($50 savings)
5 sessions – $450
($50 savings)
5 sessions – $200
($50 savings)
10 sessions – $1400
($200 savings)
10 sessions – $800
($200 savings)
10 sessions – $800
($200 savings)
10 sessions – $400
($100 savings)
20 sessions – $2700
($500 savings)
20 sessions – $1500
($500 savings)
20 sessions – $1500
($500 savings)
20 sessions – $800
($200 savings)

Unlimited Membership

Option to add Ionic Foot Bath to each session for only $40. Members of your family are welcome to join you at 50% off as well.

Quantum Biofeedback Eternale Beauty Scalar laser
First session is $160, all additional sessions  during the same month – $80 First session is $100, all additional sessions   during the same month – $50 First session is $100, all additional sessions   during the same month – $50
 6 months – $960 6 months – $600 6 months – $600
12 months – $1800
($120 savings)
12 months – $1100
($100 savings)
12 months – $1100
($100 savings)

Additional services

  • Wellness report sent by e-mail – $5
  • Printed report (36 pages) – $30
  • Charged water – $10 ( bring your own or buy  at the office)
  • NRG card – $100